Monday, September 16, 2013

Stress and more stress due to school

I feel like I am a horrible person complaining all the time about school, when I get to live here and it is completely voluntary. We have had a ton of school work to do lately and that's why I haven't posted in a long time. I have basically moved to the library and only come to my room to sleep. Unfortunately this cannot continue anymore, since my computers battery is not charging, so it needs to be plugged into a socket all the time and there is a shortage of sockets in the library. I know that sounds weird to say shortage instead of lack of, but I have been studying economics recently a lot to catch up with everything I forgot from last year and we have a huge test coming up this Friday. Now the stress should start to decrease for a moment since math IA first draft was due last night and I managed to send it in before the deadline. 

It's only a couple of weeks and we have some time off from classes, since October PBL is approaching. I already know what I am doing, since I will be leading a handicrafts PBL, where I'll be teaching knitting, felting etc. So excited for that since I have not had anytime to do any of that. After that it's less than a month and NOVEMBER BREAK and ROME! I'm traveling to Rome for 5 days and will meet up with my parent's there. I really need time off campus... I really like my room etc. but  need to get away from all the stress and factors causing it here for a while. 

We had the second year show sometime ago and I performed for the first time at RCN! It was just a small part in a traditional Maori dance, but still it was something! 

When taking photos of Leirskule kids in welcome group I need to introduce my name and the kids need to guess where am I from. I give them a clue by saying that I am from somewhere near, but I do not understand you. Every single time the kids guess first that I am from SWEDEN! Then RUSSIA! Then something else and after sometime someone is smart enough to think about Finland. 

I did a important decision this weekend and deactivated my Facebook. If I used to keep in contact with you through Facebook, send me a message or contact me in someway so that I can send you my email and Skype...

Now I need to rush to a meeting concerning economics group work! 

Enjoy your week, where ever you are!
