Sunday, November 24, 2013

POST topics - COMMENT!

A blogger's crisis going on here.

After coming back home to Finland not as much interesting things are happening in my life. This means that I don't have as much to report here. I'll start doing posts in different categories. Now I need your ideas, what do you want me to write about. It can be anything; UWC, IB, Politics, Knitting, Cooking, Culture etc. Name it and I'll try to write on my opinions on the issues and give some info that I might know about it.

- Anniina


Bloggerin kriisi menossa täällä.

Kotiinpaluun jälkeen elämässäni ei ole tapahtunut kovinkaan paljon mitään kiinnostavaa. Tämähän siis tarkoittaa, että tänne on vähemmän raportoitavaa. Alan tekemään postauksia eri kategorioissa. Nyt tartten teiltä ideoita, mistä haluatte kuulla minun kirjoittavan. Se voi olla mitä tahansa; UWC, IB, Politiikka, neulominen, ruuan laitto, kulttuuri jne. Sano ja yritän kirjoittaa mielipiteeni asiasta ja kertoa jotain tietoa asiasta jota saatan tietää asiasta.

- Anniina 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Heart of a Lion - movie

As said in the last post I watched this movie Leijonasydän ( Heart of a Lion). If you haven't seen the movie or don't know what is it about, the trailer with English subtitles is available at the end of this post.

The basic plot is that a neo-Nazi, Teppo, falls in love with a women, Sari, who has a  dark-skinned son from her previous marriage. This leads to a inner battle within Teppo to be with Sari or to continue with the Neo-Nazis. His inner battle changes at the end to a battle with him and his fellow Neo-Nazis whose leader he is. At the end he starts calling Rhamadhani his son and defending him and leaves/is forced to leave the Neo-Nazis.

This is once again a movie that I wouldn't say was pleasant to watch, but still it was extremely good and thought provoking. I'll write another post of these thoughts. The movie has a lot of violence and the violence is more cruel than in splatter movies etc. The violence is beating and kicking etc. Everything looks very real and that is the frightening part of it.

Another Finnish Movie that made me think as much and created similar emotions is Arto Halonen's Prinsessa (Princess), that tells the true story of Anna Lappalainen. Lappalainen is a cabaree dancer, who thinks she is a princess and is sent to Kellokoski Mental Hospital. This movie touched upon issues such as what is ethical medical treatment with using treatments such as shock therapy and lobotomy.

The differences with these movies was that in Princess there was humor also incorporated into to the movie, where as there wasn't any single scene in Heart of a Lion that made me be on a positive mood or laugh.

I'm not a huge fan of Finnish movies, since they have the weird Finnish humor. I don't even usually understand the humor and I am Finnish and have lived here for 15 years of my life. These movies didn't have this weird Finnish humor that has twisted relationships, alcoholism etc. And where there was a little of it, it had a purpose.

Friends, Movies and having a good time!

Since my last post I have studied less and enjoyed life more. Some of my friends received their final exam grades and all of them did extremely well. Congrats to all of you who have graduated or received final grades. In the Finnish system you can do your finals in three parts. So many start them 1½ years before gradating. Getting together with my friends was nice since I hadn't seen them since I came back home and I also met some new people. It was the first time since coming back that I didn't receive a panic/ anxiety attack or felt uncomfortable when in a new situation with almost all strangers to me. 

Today morning I studied chemistry and I only have about 10 new pages to study. Then just some review calculations for Thursday's exam. Weird doing an exam/test without going to any classes. Thank God I still remember something from Pre-DP and compulsory school. 

In the afternoon I went to the movies with my mom. We watched Leijonasydän (LionHeart, the lion is related to Finland). The movie made me think of many things and I 'll do a separate post of the movie and my opinions relating to it and it's themes. 

Tomorrow I'll need to study, do my English FOA (presentation that counts for my final grade). Finish Chemistry and look at econ (if I have time for it.). Go to Zumba and skype to Norway at least once. And probably write a few posts and publish them during exam week. So the next update might come in the beginning of December if I don't have time earlier. Posts on my opinions on different things will be published more frequently. 

- Anniina 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My (new) room!

As said in yesterday's blog post, my room has been rearranged and a wall has been painted. Everything lasted about 3 weeks as we first painted the wall, and rearranged the furniture. The tall cupboards, bookshelf and bed stayed in the same places and the table and counter-tops changed places. Two new chairs were bought and shelves above the table. I also got the tall lamp next to the chair from my grand-parent's. It's old, my mom had it when she was a student so about 30 years at least.

So yesterday we finally got the chair and today with the help of my grandpa we put it together and now my room is complete, with one lamp still missing. My room is now actually a cozy and nice place to be in. It invites me to study and also spend time.

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Father's Day cake, souvenirs from Rome etc.

Last Sunday was father's day in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia and Iceland. In our case we already celebrated on Saturday, since my dad traveled for work on Sunday. Our celebrations were small this year. We had  cake that I baked with my mom and decorated alone (mostly).

I was home alone for the last week, when my parent's traveled to Rome and I got souvenirs/presents when they came back. A new jacket, slippers, a nomination piece and Italian chocolate. I wished for food things, like oil etc. but the stupid airline regulations make it difficult to bring it to Finland. One could have it in the check-in luggage, but really nice if all the oil would be spread on your clothes.

image This week has been really chill. Monday I had Finnish and English class and today Economics. This school life is so chill with only HL's. I got a supervisor for my EE and can keep the old one. YAY! Made my day to hear that. Yesterday my day was made by a postcard I received from Berlin, from Jenny. The card is now on a door in a my room, where I collect cards.


My room has been re-arranged from what it used to be and a wall has been painted. I also got new shelves and 2 new chairs. Everything should finally be finished tomorrow so pictures will come then. Sneak peek on the wall color can be seen from the slipper picture.

Today still to Sh'Bam45 class. It's become one of my favorite classes in Hukka (the gym, I belong to). Dance classes are the best in my opinion, due to good music, nice moves and it doesn't feel like working out. It feels like working out after the workout and still my heart rate is up and calories are burning.

Till tomorrow!
- Anniina

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Today I had econ and TOK. Nothing special happened in school.

After school I skyped for the first time to my firstie in Norway, since they have their November Break now.

I've been home alone for 2 days now and it's normal. Like living at RCN but alone in a 3 story house.

After skyping I went to get a influenza vaccination. I get it for free like anyone with a chronic disease like Diabetes or Asthma etc. Also people over 65 get it.

Then my day continued with 2 hours of exercising. First I went to a JustDance class. I was there for the first time. The class is well choreographed and is more technical and advanced than for example Zumba is. That for 1 h and then 20 min break and then a Sh'Bam45 class. The program that is used now is really good and plays songs that I are probably on the top 20 of my most listened songs on Spotify.

Came back home and started to do homework. Now to bed to try to finish a book for lit class and then waking up tomorrow early to continue studying. Tomorrow is also a short day. I called it language day, since I have 2 classes first Finnish Lit and then English Lang&Lit.

- Anniina  

Friday, November 1, 2013

Late morning, short school day and SUSHI!

Since I only have my HLs and TOK I have many free blocks at the moment. Today my classes started 13.15 and ended 14.30 so I only had Economics. I was supposed to study chemistry and history today morning before classes. That didn't happen. I was walking from our basement to the first floor and of course I fell and hit my shin (sääri suomeksi) and then the study morning changed to a chill morning with sitting down and having my leg up and watching movies. Never will have too long pyjama pants again.

The day ended with me and my mom making sushi! I really love making and eating it. This time we had salmon, surimi, scampi and salmon roe. Below are attached photos. The quality is bad once again since the pics are taken with my phone not camera. 

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- Anniina