Friday, July 3, 2015

Work, Work, Work...Travel...Study

The title sums pretty much up my past and future life this summer. After giving myself 2 days of freedom after finishing the last final exam, I started to work as a cashier at a local supermarket. The store chain is the same as last year, but a different store. So the work is exactly the same as last year. This year the difference is just that the store is much larger... I've really enjoyed the job, but I could never do it for the rest of my life. Its a good motivator to remember to study hard in the future.

About that then, I have conditional offers for university from 4 different universities at the moment. I've confirmed to go to Rijksuniversiteit Groningen to study LLB International and European Law for 3 years if I get my conditional offer on Monday. The offer is 30 IB points so I'll devastated if I don't make it. The degree felt the most interesting for me. As said Monday is the day that can change my life for the next 3 years to come. I finally get my IB results --- guess who is freaking out hear. Doesn't help at all that I've seen two dreams associated with the results. One in which I didn't pass English and Chemistry. The other dream was that I didn't receive a grade for Finnish Lit, but instead for Music...Those of you who know me well, can guess that the grade wasn't good. If I see the words DIPLOMA AWARDED on Monday, but not the 30 points then I'll have University of Maastricht as a back up choice.

Another thing to wait is the fact that I have 4 shifts left of my summer job. This is because in a week I'll be stressing about what to pack with me. We'll be travelling to the US for 3 weeks and some days. This trip is a mega gift for all in our family; dad turned 50 last year, mom turns this year and I turn 20 + my graduation present (fingers crossed)... Destinations include New York (11.7-16.7), Vancouver (Canada 16.7-20.7.), Seattle (20.7) and then down to San Diego (29.7.-3.8) including all in between.  If you have any tips on does and do not's comments are open.

What am I waiting most from the trip? How much do I remember about San Diego and how will my image of the town change. Also granted shopping and food are v-e-r-y tempting. I'm sure there'll at least be a massive blog post about the trip once I'm back in Finland. Also meeting a few people after a long time is a nice addition to the trip.

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