Sunday, December 22, 2013

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry

I have been really busy this weekend. The weekend started with the end of school on Friday evening. Didn't really like the program that was organised for us. Some of the acts were related to school and teachers and I didn't know over half of the teachers they were talking about. Then we had one hour to spend and I was talking to some of the other IB1s. Then we had church, were I talked to some of my friends from compulsory school. That ended this school term. The next one starts 7.1. 

Then yesterday was super busy and I was exhausted at the end of the day. First we went to spinning, a great way to start the day. After that back home, shower, eat and leave. We went to clean our flee market table and to the grocery store to do the Christmas shopping. There were quite a lot of people and I can imagine how it will be tomorrow. Then back home and cleaning. Vacuuming, mopping etc. After that was time to go a deliver Christmas cards to people who live relatively close to us. Then back home and to prepare dinner. After dinner we watched a movie and I was sleeping by 22.30 already. So I was too tired to do a post yesterday.

Today I have spent time finalizing Christmas presents and preparing dessert. Dessert will be this year a mango sorbet. I have never before done a sorbet and it seemed quite easy. We'll see how it tastes in 2 days. 

Tomorrow is going to be all about Christmas preparations. BTW if it's unclear to someone in Finland we spend celebrate Christmas on the eve (24th). Now to watch a movie from TV and enjoy the fact that I can sleep in tomorrow. 

- Anniina 

1 comment:

  1. Ahh we also celebrate on the eve! Hope your Christmas was magic Anniina! love and miss you!
